
Dispatch Timeline

  • Ready-to-Ship Orders: We will dispatch your order within 3- 5 business days from the order date.
  • Pre-Orders / Customised Orders: We will dispatch your order within 7-10 business days from the order date.
  • Orders will not be processed, shipped, or delivered on weekends or holidays.
  • If we experience a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed by a few days. We ask you to allow additional time for delivery. If there is a significant delay, we will contact you via email or instagram dm.

Delivery Delays

While cannot be held responsible for courier-related delays, we are committed to helping you track and resolve any issues to ensure your order arrives in a timely manner.

Damages will not be liable for products damaged or lost during shipping. If your order arrives damaged, please contact the shipping carrier or our support team to file a claim. Be sure to retain all packaging materials and damaged goods before filing a claim.

Shipping Partners

We have partnered with trusted shipping providers to ensure the safe and timely delivery of your products.